Plumbing systems

Construction finishing products

Paint products

Construction solutions

Inrom Construction Industries

Inrom Construction Industries
Construction solutions
Paint products
Construction finishing products
Plumbing systems
About the company

The Inrom Group is one of Israel’s leading and largest industrial groups that provides a large variety of product and solutions for the fields of construction and renovations, industry and other applications

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Fields of Activity

The Inrom Construction Industries Value Chain Construction and renovations

Construction Solutions

A variety of advanced solutions and products for conventional and industrialized construction, based on the Ytong brick for structures, interior partitions and ceilings; interlocking stones for landscaping, and concrete products for underground infrastructures.
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Construction Finishing Products

A wide range of construction finishing products for various uses, including powdered adhesives for flooring, tiles, stone, etc.; cement-based and plaster-based mortar products (thermal and industrial), powdered plaster and putty for wall applications (interior and exterior), cement products and special coatings, mortar, grout, sealants and additives for cement mixtures and more.
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Paint Products

A variety of decorative paints, primers, sealers, coatings, metal paints, wood paints and other paints, electrostatic powder paints and complementary products for a variety of uses and applications, mainly for construction and renovation, infrastructure and industry.
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Plumbing Systems

Piping systems, plumbing systems and related accessories designed for hot and cold water in domestic, public and industrial plumbing.
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Inrom in Numbers

Market Cap (in ILS BN)*
Sales ILS BN (2022)
*As of 25/07/2024
For investor relations
Group companies